Sunday, February 3, 2013


Starlight is always getting into things-- like laundry baskets.   Now she has discovered Beach Bit's wagon.   It's a tiny one for toys, but she manages to get into it.
She climbed into an open crate with Hollyberry.    Are you sure you want to be there?   (Hollyberry has been adopted.)
 She loves to get on the shelf of the coffee table.  If things are there, she just pushes them out of the way.    If I can't find her, this is where she has probably hidden.   
 She found a little box and climbed into that.   Really, Starlight, you're too big for that!
 She found another table with a shelf (a Christmas present to my daughter) and climbed into that one.
I guess she'll continue looking for little places, boxes, and hidey holes to make her own.   It's such a cute part of her personality.    Love you, Starlight!


  1. I have noted that Starlight is sitting in two items with Wheels!!

    I think that girl wants to go places! LOL

  2. She is precious! My Peke did that for years until he got to old to jump.
