Sunday, March 31, 2013


This beautiful black Pom is in the same shelter where we picked up Abner. Lora Mae is gentle and good natured.    She is small, maybe ten pounds or less.   They are trying to find a rescue or home for her.  They say she has a wonderful disposition.   She is very thin, and needs a hernia repair, but a good home can easily get her to gain weight and be healthy.   She plays well with other small dogs and is a little puffball.    If you can help, please let me know at
Here's one more picture of this sweet girl.    


Look at this tree-- it's an ornamental Pear tree (Jeanne will know more about these than I do).   It's beautiful in the spring when it begins to flower.    These trees are planted down the road near where I live and it can be a blast of white tree after tree.    Is spring finally coming?


This is Taylor with his bunny ears.  He is now in a new home.  

We received a video from Ginny-- our little Easter Peke.    Her parents adore her and made this video:


 I found out that some people don't know I do the blog every day.   Well, here I am.    I usually have Pekes surrounding me, and I take care of my grandson also-- he's "Beach Bit" and he is very used to the Pekes here.
 Cranberry is one of my older Pekes.   She has degenerative disc disease so has to wear a diaper inside.  She gets around, even though she slides or wobbles.  
 My husband is the BEST!   We've been married forever and we still love and LIKE each other!  If you come to the picnic on April 27 in Herndon, VA, you will meet us-- we'll be by the grill!
 Beach Bit finds all kinds of uses for Peke stuff here.   His dad is an avid Georgia fan. (He has on an e-collar that is for flat faced dogs.)
 Starlight is ours-- she was a foster everyone was afraid of-- so she was never adopted.
 Oh, another Beach Bit pic--  and another e-collar use.
 Beach Bit's mom and dad and special dog Leo-- they live down the street.
 The three bits who live a few hours away.    Lil Bit, Bitty Bit and Drill Bit.   Love my Bits!
 Max is a foster who wasn't adopted-- he's nine now.
 Scooterbug is almost 12.   I've had him since he was a puppy.
 Kai Kai and Abner in the yard-- Pekes are always coming and going, but Kai stayed.
 My older daughter and her husband live near Charlottesville.  Love to visit there!!    I have two daughters, and four grandbits.    I'm a lucky woman!!
 We have fosters all the time-- we've done this for ten years now.    Sir Jenkins has joined the clan for awhile.
 Abner is precious-- he's going to his new home, too.
  Piper is a special one-- he'll go to his new home soon.  He's an adventurous little thing!
Our house is busy, happy, and full of life, Pekes and kids.   We love it.    We hope all of you have a wonderful Easter-- I'm sure we'll have fun here!

Saturday, March 30, 2013


 Gimmie came into rescue a short time ago.   (His brother Bernard is still available for adoption.)
 He came in as a very sick boy, even spending a night in the emergency vet.  
 Once he was well enough, he went to Jeanne's for fostering.
 Did you knock over the bird bath?  Wow, you're awfully strong for an 8.2 pound Peke.
 Did you hear you had a new mom waiting for you to join her home?
 Jeanne made this note to tell your Peke sister that you were coming.
 And yesterday was the day!    Here you are with your new mom.   She loves you already.
 Lulu, your new sister, was not sure what was going on.
 "Will I have to share my toys?"   I'm sure once you are used to Gimmie being there, you'll love him as much as your mom does.
And here they are-- all set, Gimmie already getting a tummy rub.    I love it!  

Friday, March 29, 2013


Look who was adopted!   Crosby is now in his new home and lives right around the corner from his foster mom.   I'm sure he'll visit from time to time and I know that makes her feel great!     We're so excited for you Crosby!!   Thank you, Georgia, for an amazing job you did bringing this little (big) one to being able to trust and know he was safe!  


Cole came into rescue in October of 2011.    Kay and Claretta picked her up and she came to me temporarily.    I love the black ones!   (I know, I know, I love them all.)
 Cole went to Molly for fostering and she couldn't bear to let her go.    She just fell in love with Cole-- and Cole loved her right back..  
 In August 2012, Cole was rushed to the emergency vet for internal bleeding. She ended up needing to have her spleen removed due to a cancerous mass, and the doctors said she would live for 2-6 months.
Here's what Molly wrote about her Cole:    "Since her surgery, Cole has been taking K9 Immunity Plus supplements (Aloha Medicinals), and she is actually more playful than ever before. Cole just moved to a new apartment complex, and she loves her balcony and all of the walking trails around the pond. Most of Cole's neighbors think she is a puppy, but she likes to think of herself as a little black lab.  Cole has recently started "playing tennis". Evidently Cole knew how to play tennis from her previous life, so she was very excited to see a tennis ball show up at her house. This is one of the many reasons why Cole's mom and dad are constantly encouraging their friends to adopt an older dog (Cole was adopted at age 9). They may not learn new tricks, but they probably have some old ones up their sleeves."
Every day with Cole is a blessing because she brings her family so many smiles. On March 25th, Cole will have survived 7 months since surgery. :)   We hope Cole has a lot longer with her family.    Like Molly, I love the older ones-- they have so much to give.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


 Sweet Tiki crossed the Rainbow Bridge.    She was the beloved girl of her parents and they are just devastated by this loss.
 She was hoping to make it to Easter.
 She enjoyed playing and getting under things.
 She let everyone know when the time changed-- and she wanted to sleep in.
 She has her Easter ears and eggs ready.
 She celebrated St. Patrick's Day-- she was ready for fun!
Her cancer became too much for her to overcome.    Her mom posted this on facebook.    Most of us know the loss of a beloved pet and we share the sorrow she is feeling now.     We're so sorry-- rest in peace, sweet Tiki.


 Valerie's beautiful Bogart crossed the Rainbow Bridge.    He was her sweet boy-- look at that happy face.
 He loved adventures...
 and dressing up.     He was ready to celebrate.
 Valerie has a heart for the senior dogs-- she wants them to have a place to live their final years or months knowing love and comfort.  
 I'm not sure how long Valerie had Bogart, but I'm sure it was the most loved time of his life.
Valerie said, "Bogart, my little hula-monster, smartest dog ever, you were loved by so many. I hope you knew."  Rest in peace, sweet boy.

WHEATLY-- adopted!

Sweet Wheatly came so far in his foster home-- he learned trust and love and care.     He now lives with a new family and is doing great.    We're so glad for him!!  
Look at that sweet face-- he has a look of peace now that he knows he is safe and loved.
 He adores his new mom.  
 And his new sister is his favorite person!    He gives her doggie kisses a lot.
 He lets his daddy pet him-- he was a little untrusting of men, but he knows his new dad loves him, too.
He even gets tummy rubs-- and you can see Wheatly is just fine with that!    We're so happy for you Wheatly!