Saturday, March 30, 2013


 Gimmie came into rescue a short time ago.   (His brother Bernard is still available for adoption.)
 He came in as a very sick boy, even spending a night in the emergency vet.  
 Once he was well enough, he went to Jeanne's for fostering.
 Did you knock over the bird bath?  Wow, you're awfully strong for an 8.2 pound Peke.
 Did you hear you had a new mom waiting for you to join her home?
 Jeanne made this note to tell your Peke sister that you were coming.
 And yesterday was the day!    Here you are with your new mom.   She loves you already.
 Lulu, your new sister, was not sure what was going on.
 "Will I have to share my toys?"   I'm sure once you are used to Gimmie being there, you'll love him as much as your mom does.
And here they are-- all set, Gimmie already getting a tummy rub.    I love it!  

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to see Gimmie find a new loving home and a sister into the deal too!!!

    All the best from Moi Moi and Coco the pekes :)
