Wednesday, March 6, 2013


 Remember the little dog that was found near death in the cold mountains?    Her transporter fell in love with her and decided to keep her.   (Peggy and Terry have adopted several from us and are WONDERFUL!)  They named her Lady-- and Lady Snaps is something else they call her.   Love it.
 They have the Corgi, Gnogi.    He is very relaxed here.   I don't think he's at all bothered by having Lady Snaps there.
 Arbie-- formerly RoseBud of the Bristol 18-- runs a tight ship and is the boss.   The rest don't care.
 Lady Snaps is just interested in whatever is on the counter.    She can see some and is getting meds for her heart condition.     She is doing amazingly well, and has come so far from the dog who was lost in the mountains.
Her dad and mom sure love her!   I do, too!

1 comment:

  1. Oh they are all so cute !
    Isn't it wonderful to see how Lady Snaps has just bloomed!!!
