Wednesday, April 3, 2013


My daughter sent this recipe for homemade dog cookies.    I haven't made them, but they look great.    Good enough for me to eat-- well, maybe my Pekes.    Let me know if you try it!

Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons dry milk
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
... 2 1/2 cups brown rice flour *
1 teaspoon dried parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 350.

In large bowl, whisk together eggs and pumpkin to smooth. Stir in dry milk, sea salt, and dried parsley (if using, optional). Add brown rice flour gradually, combining with spatula or hands to form a stiff, dry dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface (can use the brown rice flour) and if dough is still rough, briefly knead and press to combine.

Roll dough between 1/4 – 1/2″ – depending on your dog’s chew preferences, – and use biscuit or other shape cutter to punch shapes, gathering and re-rolling scraps as you go. Place shapes on cookie sheet, no greasing or paper necessary. If desired, press fork pattern on biscuits before baking, a quick up-and-down movement with fork, lightly pressing down halfway through dough. Bake 20 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully turn biscuits over, then bake additional 20 minutes. Allow to cool completely on rack before feeding to dog.

* Brown rice flour gives the biscuits crunch and promotes better dog digestion. Many dogs have touchy stomachs or allergies, and do not, like many people I know, tolerate wheat.

Makes up to 75 small (1″) biscuits or 50 medium biscuits.


  1. These sound good !
    If you cannot buy tinned pumpkin would just boiled pumpkin work or does the tinned stuff have a thickener in it????

    *Coco tells me they would go well with a mug of coffee !!!
    I am not sure if Peke's should drink coffee Linda! LOL

  2. I tried this recipe, gives my 2 diarrhea. They're pretty bland tasting too so mine aren't thrilled to eat them. Broccoli is much tastier to them.
