Saturday, April 6, 2013


 I want you to meet Miss Muggles.   She is 3 years old and 16 pounds.   We took her in from a local shelter.   She was an owner turn in and was adopted.    Then, she was returned because she had a lot of skin and ear problems.    Poor girl.
 Yes, that's the ear that hurts.    It looks like she has allergies, because the ears are stenotic and look like they've had problems for a long time.   Her skin looks rough  in areas, so she needs help.   We can help!
 She was given a soothing bath.   I wished I could have brought her here, but I am in overload, so Miss Muggles stayed at the vet until I could move her today.    She's going to her foster home with Sarah.
 She kept going to both doors in the exam room.  Are you trying to find a yard to run in?    She ran around the exam room, smiling and happy.    She was so fast I couldn't even get her to slow down so I could pet her.
 She has a sweet smile-- look at those teeth!
We're going to help you get healthy-- and then we'll find you a home.   I know it won't take long.    Watch this happy video of her in action:   Click here: Muggles - YouTube

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