Tuesday, April 30, 2013


 We had a great time at the PVPC picnic on Saturday.  
 The sign came home with us (along with other things that were left--so if you forgot something let me know) and Cranberry wondered why she wasn't invited!
 There were so many beautiful Pekes there-- so here they are.    I won't name them all-- I just want you to enjoy the pictures!    Sweet Lily is above-- she's Abner's new sister!
 Standing up for a picture!!  
 Beautiful Rosebud/Arbie/RB.
 Muggles--she is looking for a home.
 Mr Winks,...
 and his Lacy!
 Sweet Anna.
 This is Lady, the "Pekingese" we got who was found wandering on the side of a road in WV right before the worst cold night of the year.     Look at her now!
 Everyone wondered what Desi was wearing...
 Here she is!
 Some rode home in comfort when it was over.
But, Wanda and her family stayed for awhile and we had a great talk.
 Lulu Belle was ready for home and a nap!
 Sir Jenkins came with me (I picked him up when he was returned that morning).   My friend, Robin was enjoying holding him.
 He enjoyed getting cuddles after a long day.
 The rest were worn out, too-- we had over 70 dogs there I'm sure!
I think Wanda was already fading.... Thank you to all who planned and worked at the picnic!    And most of all, thank you to all of you who were able to come!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had one fantastic Peke Party and Moi Moi and Coco are so glad Desi wore the Dior! LOL
