Wednesday, May 1, 2013


 Desi came to the picnic with her mom Lucinda (Dr. Hodges) and her dad, Roger and a few of her siblings.  
 Alastor wasn't sure about it all-- what is this picnic thing!
 Desi was with a little one-- wow, she's so small!
 Here she is with Tux, a beautiful little Peke.  (He belongs to Paige.)
 She's probably tired because she's just checking out the flowers.  It was a long day!
 Wanda and Desi always dress up-- and they were beautiful at the picnic!!   Desi has so many outfits to choose from.   And she shares with Wanda.
 Here's another outfit.
 Wanda, Alastor and Desi are all looking for a treat-- we gave out toys at the picnic, but mom has the treats.
 Beautiful Wanda--- love the flower!
 She takes a nap-- this picnic stuff is hard!
 A pink bed basket came to the picnic and Desi's family got to take it home-- it had so much in it!  A pink bed, leash, brush, toys, blanket... all pink!   Perfect for Desi and Wanda.  Thank you, Beth and David for this wonderful donation!
 Wanda took a snooze...
 Desi is wondering what in on her nose!    Must be a flower. :-)
 It's a beautiful time of year and we had a perfect day for the picnic!!
But, Wanda was glad to rest and then head on home.    It was fun, but exhausting!    Now, she can relax and just be one of the clinic mascots!

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