Thursday, May 2, 2013


 Roger and Lucinda sent me more picnic pictures.    I'm so glad we have people who will take a lot of pictures, because I was too busy talking.    I missed things going on in the covered area because I was talking.    Oh well.    This is Cosmo-- are you Cosmo's owner?  If you are, let me know. (PHYLLIS JUST EMAILED ME-- SHE'S COSMO'S OWNER-- SHE ALSO ADOPTED ONE FROM US--KATRINA OF THE BRISTOL 18.)
 I love his flower necklace!
 Here's Coco with her mom, Genise.   Coco has medical issues, but her mom is doing so much for her!   She deserved an award this year for great care of her Pekes!   (I think we all deserve that award. :-) )
 Coco is a beautiful little girl.
 Gimmie made quite a hit at the picnic-- he came through so much and is now adopted and doing great!
 Look at this tiny Peke-- he is so small and it's a good thing Lucinda didn't foster him-- he would still be there haha.
 Toni's granddaughter loved Gimmie!  I think he loved her, too.
 But, the picnic was exhausting so he had to take a nap.
 Anne's Gizzy was there and is adorable.    He has some "Peke-a-tude" but most of us are used to that!
 Macaroon is available for adoption-- he is a great dog.  He has some back leg weakness, so he can't do steps, but he is doing so well otherwise.   He really enjoyed the picnic!
 "Blond Bit" (Toni's great-granddaugter) is so good with him.
Lucinda came with three and left with three-- good thing!   But, I know she fell in love with many!     We had a great time!


  1. You had such wonderful weather too Linda !
    How I wished I was there.

  2. Great pics of Pekes at the Pekenic!
