Tuesday, May 28, 2013


 Piper went to his new home last Friday.   Wow, sure is boring here.   He was like the clown that kept us all entertained.  
 He met his new brother and sister.    He's still a little stressed-- it's a lot of change when a dog is adopted, but he has great new friends.
 This is his new brother Sammy.    They look very similar.   I think these two are going to be pals.
 They are both finding fun places to be near each other.  Pekes do like to be on things.
 In the car, he wasn't sure what was going on, but he did well and didn't even have to take his car sick pill.  
 This is his new sister, Penny.   She is 16 years old and so sweet.
 Piper found a cozy place to take a nap.  His world was turned upside down, but I'm sure, like most fosters, he will soon will know he has a great new home and he won't remember us-- that's really what we hope.  Not that they forget us, but that we become less important.   After all, we want them to be happy.
Looks like it's bed time for all-- all curled up together.    Piper's new  home is one full of love and commitment to all their Pekes.     Piper will be so loved there and that's what I want for him.   Love you, Piper!   So happy you have this incredible, loving home!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so happy for Piper - he has hit the jackpot for sure!!!
