Saturday, May 4, 2013


 We were given a doggy swing at the picnic!     Of course, Beach Bit sat in it and broke the chain on one side-- it's easy to fix, but Starlight likes it this way since it stays put when she gets into it.    It's "her" spot now.   It was meant for Cranberry, but she never had a chance.
 Starlight also like to get on the Pekingese lounger outside.     She can observe her world and  enjoy the fresh air.
 Beach Bit got up the other day with a Go-Gurt.    You know, yogurt in a tube.    Starlight loves food and she hoped he would share with her.
 Beach Bit had no intention of doing that.
Yes, I see that face-- forget it Starlight.   You aren't getting any.  So sorry!

1 comment:

  1. You could tell that girl was not getting any of the tube stuff !! LOL
