Sunday, June 2, 2013


 Abner was adopted and took a long ride to his forever home.   Brody was curled up with him.
 We're going north!
 Abner loves his new home.    His parents took him to the lake-- he's checking it out.
 Brody and Lily headed right in!   A great way to cool off.
 "Come on, Abner!"
 Lily tried to encourage Abner to get his feet wet, but he wasn't having any part of it.
 He would rather run in the woods and have fun.
He's a "land dog." haha    Look at that sweet face!   Love you, Abner!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that Abner is a handsome one and I am So happy for him - a new home with friends and a lake!!!
    Now - that is living!!!
