Saturday, June 22, 2013


 Angela's Frankie died after a long battle with bone cancer.   He was only 12 years old.
 He loved to sit quietly in the yard and enjoy being outside.  
 Frankie was no in severe pain,  but the vet said he had hit the stage where he was just existing.   He was fighting to just stay alive.     The timing on letting a precious pet go is so hard-- only the owner can really know.    
 Angela said Frankie was the best Peke she ever had.     He's wasn't dramatic, or stubborn, (well, maybe a little stubborn), he was well behaved.    
Angela will miss her little boy and we're so sorry.  Rest in peace, Frankie.


  1. So sorry to hear of Frankie's passing...

  2. the goodbyes always leave me teary eyed. Farewell to Frankie, what a precious baby. I know his mom will miss him. Run cancer free now!
