Saturday, June 15, 2013


This is sweet Shadow.     I took him  into my home to foster in 2004.   He was six years old and so sick.     I absolutely loved this boy as soon as I met him.     He required so much care, but that didn't matter.   He got everything he needed.     He had to wear baby t-shirts to protect his skin from all the surgery, but he thought he looked very dapper!
Shadow's mom would send me stories about him.    I loved the one where she said, " I told him he couldn't bark as if he were a maniac at other dogs, so he gets all ruffled and his hair goes crazy instead."   She also shared, "Lord Bashido, formerly referred to as Shadow, has moved from far eastern to mideastern tactics. He thinks he is in charge of a harem. He waves his feathery tail as if it were an ostrich plume in everyone's face."    I love that-- Lord Bashido!    
Shadow became great friends with Pablo (of the Bristol 18) when he was adopted.    They were always together.   
Shadow used to go to the shore house on a lake.     He would ride on kayaks and play with laundry.   His mom told me, "The dogs are studying physics today with sheets and tablecloths blowing in the wind. Lord Shadow is spooked. He tried to turn himself into a greyhound at the Shore with an unbelievable run to the point, but what does one do when the only choice remaining is to swim, you run back home for breakfast. He had a great time."
Shadow loved being outside in the snow. He just didn't want me to interrupt his play!    I had to pick him up so I could have a good picture with him.    I love all my foster dogs, but some find that special place in your heart where they stay forever.   Shadow was one of them.
Shadow's mom, Barbara, and special sister, Lara, are so glad they had Shadow in their life.    Barbara said, "He has given our life of dogs a great nobility. The terrified dog rose to be alpha dog on our watch. He deserved every special touch. This is why we rescue dogs. They do not understand unkindness and we hope to reward their struggle . It is they who reward us with such companionship. Thank you for granting Shadow to us , we will be eternally grateful for your love and support,"     Shadow could not have had a better family or more love.    This world will not be the same without him in it.   Rest in peace, sweet Shadow.