Wednesday, June 5, 2013


 We received a request from a  Maryland shelter to take in five year old Felix.     He was an owner surrender because they "were moving."    I loved what someone put on facebook-- they said so many people in our country must be moving because most of the dog surrenders were "because we are moving."   Made me laugh-- and feel sad at the same time.     These dogs should be life long members of their families.
 He was pretty rough when we got him, but Sharon took "after" pictures.  Look at him now-- walking around the yard, enjoying life.
 I see you, sweet boy, posing for a picture!
Felix had a bladder infection and will need stone surgery-- that is probably why the owner turned him in.   He will have all this taken care of before adoption.   Pekes can be prone to this and with a special diet, they don't  have to have these problems again.   (I have multiple dogs on this food and they love it!)
 Felix is being fostered with other dogs and he is very dog friendly.    He walked right in and made himself at home.
 Even with a bladder infection, he goes to the door to be let out-- Good boy!!
He will be ready for adoption soon!    It won't take long for this sweet one to find his forever home!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Felix - you are such a good soul!
    I do hope this guy finds a forever home this time!!!!
