Sunday, June 30, 2013


 Moi Moi lives in Australia.    She's a beautiful dog and her mom is a good friend of mine.    Moi Moi is getting a little older and her eyes began to droop-- I totally understand!  
 She would rather be out in the yard with CoCo, just relaxing and play....
 But, she had to have eye surgery to reduce the folds.   As she got older, the folds began to rub on her eyes and that can lead to scarring and/or blindness.    We don't want that!     Many of the Pekes we get in rescue have have this surgery-- called Nasal Fold Reduction.    Some already have scarring and we want to prevent loss of sight.     I know Moi Moi will feel better really soon!    For now, she has to wear her cone.  
Her mom's grandkids sent her a car-- I am sure that helped her feel so much better!   Get well soon, Moi Moi!


  1. Hi Linda !
    Its me ... Moi Moi .

    I have had my "cone of silence" off only once - that was the first night when I went through the dog door (and they thought I would not get through! Ha! ) .
    I am feeling better every day but I do not like being hand feed or taken out to toilet. I am a Women's Lib kinda a gal Peke and I like to do my own thing ! Oh well, when its healed and those stitches come out on July the 10th - its Party Hard girlfriend!!!

    How are you going with your colar Linda? WE Both have had some eye surgery :)
    Moi Moi

  2. Hi- she is super cute! My baby just had the same procedure. I feel so bad as he is in pain. How long did it take Moi Moi to recover? I am regretting putting my boy through this a little, he looks so sad...

    Any tips or pointers for quick recovery?


