Friday, July 5, 2013


 Desi's friends wanted to be in on the Fourth of July celebration-- so they had a photo session also.    Dollar is so cute in his hat!    How do you keep it on sweet boy?
 Fiona is older-- she has some of the same problems as my Cranberry, but they are both hanging in there.     I love your bows, little one.
 Kipper has his tie and hat on--and his pose is very patriotic!    Are you looking at the flag?
 Look at Lily Kay-- she still has her moouth cast on-- but she is so beautiful anyway.    That cast will come off soon and her jaw will be all well!   (It was broken in three places.)
 Madge is doing great-- she is in congestive heart failure.    She has such incredible care from Dr. Hodges that she still is with them and a  happy, tail-wagging girl.    She's so cute.
 Puji is another of theirs who requires special care-- he's in liver failure, but look at that happy face!   He is very loved there and has fun every day.
The last one is Wanda.    Roger fell in love with her when she came to them as a foster.    She goes to Starbucks every day with him.    She is well known and loves the car rides with her daddy.   There will be another blog-- with Fourth of July pictures-- on Diamond and Linus tomorrow.    They are our two newest fosters.   Get ready!

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