Thursday, August 8, 2013


Does your dog yawn when you do?   Try it.  And if you can get a picture of it, send it to me at (just insert it in the email, not as a download).   Or post it on facebook and put my name on it.     There was a survey done that dogs will yawn when their owners do-- and vice-versa.  So, I am conducting a non-scientific study on it. :-)


  1. Colby and Shadow will talk to me when I talk to them. I love it. I get down on their level and start with the belly rubs. Then I start talking sweet talk...they make no sound but start moving their mouths and talk right back to me. I like to imagine they are telling me how much they love me!

  2. I heard about this yesterday on our news too!

    I did try it as soon as I heard Linda!
    these are my results -

    Yawned at Moi Moi - Nothing!

    Yawned at Coco - Nothing!
