Thursday, August 22, 2013


Lulu Belle was one of our adopters' Pekes.   She was a beautiful girl and loved SO much.   
 Her parents thought she would enjoy a Peke brother-- and they adopted Gimmie.  
 They had to metal pictures made of them both-- they are there for everyone to see.
 Lulu Belle wasn't too sure about Gimmie at first, but then they became great friends.  
 They could often be found near each other, chasing each other or just vegging out together.
 Lulu Belle was on a walk yesterday with her family, when she was bit by a copperhead snake.   Her mom and dad rushed her to the emergency vet where treatment was begun immediately.  
 Instead of laying around with her buddy, Gimmie, Lulu Belle was fighting for her life.    After less than 24 hours, Lulu Belle passed away.   The snake venom was too much for her little body.  
Lulu Belle was the love of her mom's life.    Her parents are  devastated.  We are so incredibly sorry.   Our hearts are heavy as we all say good-bye to this sweet girl.     Our thoughts are with her parents and little brother, Gimmie.     Rest now, sweet girl.  You will be so missed.  


  1. OH No, not another little angel...too many too soon. Deepest sympathy for your loss.

  2. I feel so sorry for Lulu Belle's family - I know how devastating it must be to get ripped apart so suddenly without a warning... I'm so very sorry and my prayers go out to Lulu Belle's family. Bless them and may Lulu Belle's memories give them comfort in the days ahead. It's still too soon and time must pass before that can happne. I have to be more careful to watch my dogs because we have them here too....

  3. A sad, but wonderful Farewell Tribute for LuLu Belle. It's so hard for us to say goodbye to our fur babies. RIP little LuLu Belle. Romp and play with my Pekes and kitties at the Rainbow Bridge.

  4. I am SO sorry to read about dear little LuLu Belle!!! Much sympathy and heartfelt wishes for her parents.... Ted & Grace's mom :(

  5. I am SO sorry to read about dear little LuLu Belle!!!! Much sympathy and heartfelt wishes to her family.....
    Ted & Grace's mom :(

  6. So very sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful very much loved girl.

  7. Every pet parent's worse nightmare. Our fur children mean everything to us. Sincerest sympathies to beautiful Lulu Belle's family and to dear sweet Lulu Belle. Many are grieving for you. So sorry again. Nicky Peke, GeeGee Peke and Wyatt Peke's mommy.

  8. Oh that is just so tragic!
    I send my love from the girls in Australia.

  9. So very sorry for the loss of Lulu Belle. My heart breaks for her, Gimmie and their family. Sending loving hugs and prayers your way from me and my pekes. So sorry. Crying for you and Lulu Belle. :-(

  10. I cried as I read this. I am so very sorry for your loss of beautiful little Lulu Belle. My heart breaks for her family and for Gimmie who I am sure is missing his little sissy. My heart and prayers go out Lulu Belle and her family. So sorry...tears :-(
