Monday, August 26, 2013


I had to share this.   Gracie Lu posted this on facebook and it needed to be on the blog so others (like Melinda!) could see it!

When my Mom told me about poor little Lulu crossing the Rainbow Bridge and how Gimme and June Bug were helping their Mom get over this loss, I realized how smart we Pekes are and it reminded me of when Miss Linda helped me find a home. I was all alone and no home and Ms Linda came and told me she was going to take me to a lady who would keep me until I found a furever home. When we got to Jane's house she looked so sad cause she had just lost her two Pekes, Murfee and Katee and she was too old to get another. So I decided that I would just help Jane and I was very quiet and looked around the house and then I knew I was here for a purpose. And you know what ---after a little while Jane began to smile and she said she thought I had better stay with her. But I had known from the beginning I was destined to stay. Who rescued who??? We don't really know and it makes no difference cause me and my Mom sure love each other and as I told you we Pekes know when we are needed. That's my story!!! Gracie Lu Garrett
I'm so glad PVPC could be part of this happy family!!

1 comment:

  1. Gracie and Jane are two Best Girlfriends and were meant to be together !!!

    How wonderful there are people who rescue and rehome dogs like Gracie Lu - what would Jane do without her!

    Kisses Gracie and Jane from your girlfriends in Australia !!! XXX
