Sunday, August 25, 2013


 Ladybug came into rescue through a woman who saved her, but couldn't keep her.   She did so much for her and we don't usually get people like that-- who will go beyond to help a dog.
 Ladybug was enjoying time with Roger and Lucinda at the fireplace outside earlier this year.    Oh, I wish I could be there.
 Ladybug is doing much better now. She has had several surgeries.
 She had a bad tooth and that is all gone now!   I bet her mouth feels better!
 Ladybug was adopted by Jeff (who also is Mona Lee's foster dad).    Jeff is wonderful with these special needs' Pekes.  
 Ladybug can't see, but she has no trouble getting around.  
 Just look at that sweet face.  She reminds me of a Peke I had years ago named Coffeecake.  
 Are you sleepy girl?
 Just rest up-- let your body healt and you'll soon be all well.
Thank you Lucinda and Roger  for all you do for these precious Pekes!

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