Saturday, August 31, 2013


 We just got this sweet girl.   We have named her Lucy.
 She was turned in to the shelter by her owner because she was "old and she doesn't do anything."
 Her eyes are so sad right now.
 She was shaved all the way down by the owner-- even her tail!    This was obviously because she was so matted and they didn't want anyone to see what horrific condition she was in.
 Our volunteer who picked her up said she was probably never bathed.  We think Lucy came from a back yard breeder.    Lucy had been chained outside for 5 years and she has scabs all around her neck.     I can't even think of the life she had-- I'll cry or just get mad.
 She is safe now, and had a short stay with Fiona.    Kay, Claretta and Fiona helped to get her to Richmond-- thank you!!   What would we do without our incredible, wonderful volunteers!!
Would you like to walk me me Amelia?     (Amelia and Magnolia live at Fiona's--)
 I see Magnolia at the door. :-)
Lucy is now safe with Jeanne-- we'll take care of Lucy.     Her life has changed for the better!
Welcome to PVPC rescue, Lucy!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes Welcome to kindness Lucy!!!

    OMG - I am old and I don't do much either Linda - I wonder where they would have put me!!!!

    I am doing my Adoption Dance for sweet Lucy - this girl needs a very special home!!!
