Monday, August 12, 2013


PVPC is mainly a Virginia/Maryland rescue group.    But, there really isn't a Peke rescue group in the states that are around us-- so we have taken in a lot of NC Pekes.     Some say we shouldn't do it.   "Stick to our states."  
 That would mean Andy wouldn't have been saved.
 Isn't he beautiful!
 Autumn was heartworm positive and we were her only hope.    Was she worth saving?  You bet!
 Glitter-- now Grace-- is a little stunner.   Without our group, she wouldn't have made it.
 This is Gonzo-- look at that face.   Don't you want to kiss him?    He was a NC Peke.
 This beautiful girl is Gracious-- she was really down and out until we came to get her.    She now lives in a wonderful home in WV.   They just love her.
 Lily Kay also came from NC.   She has had a lot of jaw surgery and didn't let it phase her.   She figured out how to eat with her jaw brace/case and is a sweet girl.   She has someone who might want to add her to their family!     Paws crossed!  
 Madge came from NC also.   She had health issues and we were able to save her.    She had NO chance without PVPC.
 Cowboy Opie-- now Yoda, turned into a beautiful boy after he was rescued.   Kay and Claretta in NC have helped us get a lot of these dogs into our foster homes.    We appreciate them more than I can say.  
Tiny Tinkerbelle was in a shelter that we were getting another dog from-- they said, Please take this one.   If we didn't, she was going to be gassed the next day.   I said yes.   Call me a sucker, but I couldn't let that happen.   She was adopted quickly and has a wonderful home now.     All these dogs were NC dogs-- dogs without hope except for PVPC.   Were they worth saving even though they weren't from Virginia or Maryland.    They certainly were!   And I'm so glad we were able to help each one of them!    A friend of mine in rescue said this:    
"If even one life is saved, and a sweet dog soul gets a wonderful home, it is always worth any journey, and it can be counted as a wonderful day!!"   You are so right, Anita.    We have many wonderful days!


  1. Linda ---- Animal Cruelity and Animal Rescue/Security has NO BOARDERS!!!!!!!!

    BRAVO YOU!!!!!

  2. Pishaw on sticking to your states! They're Pekes and when they need help, they need Peke Lovers to rescue them. The interstates cross state lines, so should all Rescues.

  3. Pishaw on sticking to your states! They're Pekes and when they need help, they need Peke Lovers to rescue them. The interstates cross state lines, so should all Rescues.

  4. I say that any Pekes that need saving must be saved -- state borders or not! Realistically, I know that resources can only go so far. But that's why it's so important that rescue groups work together. I love seeing this little guys and overwhelmed with gratitude that PVPC has changed their lives. I have a rescue friend in Raleigh and I am sending this along to her. Maybe it's time NC started a Peke rescue!!!!

  5. I say that any Pekes in need of rescue must be saved! State lines or not! I totally understand about limited resources and one rescue can only do so much, that's why it's so important for rescue groups to collaborate. I loved seeing these little NC faces and I am overwhelmed with gratitude that PCPC saved these beautiful dogs. I have a dear friend in Raleigh who has a rescue and I am forwarding this to her. Maybe it's time that NC started it's own Peke Rescue group!!!! <3

  6. Most definitely, all of these NC Pekes were worth saving! Maybe PVPR can help NC start their own Peke Rescue? We Peke lovers want to save as many Pekes as we can no matter what state they are in.

  7. I would love to give a big kiss to all of these NC flat-faced Pekes!
