Tuesday, August 6, 2013


 Roxie came into rescue last week and is such a sweet girl.  She came in with her sister, Bubbles.  
 Roxie has a bad eye and we've tried drops for a week to see if we could save her left eye.    The pressure was in the 80's, it's down to the 60's now-- but that's way too high.
 My grandbits were here for the week-end, and they got to meet Rixie and  Bubbles.  
 My honorary granddaughter loved going to the vet to see Bubbles and Roxie.
 Roxie wasn't sure about all the attention-- but she loves it now!
 My "girls" all cutting up there while we waited-- my daughter (who is 5 feet tall) had everyone on her lap! Everyone was there but Drill Bit.
 Bubbles is doing great-- even though she's nine pounds, she can leap onto the couch in one bound!
Roxie will have her bad eye removed tomorrow and have nasal fold reduction on the other eye.  The fold is pressing right on her eye ball.     She'll recover fine though with a lot of love.    Both these dogs are adorable!

1 comment:

  1. We wish dear Roxie all the best with her eye and fold surgery --- love from the girls in Oz.
