Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Wylie lives near me in Hampton Roads.    He was an older boy when I got him out of a shelter near me.    Well, he looked older-- but that's because he was in terrible shape.     His skin was in awful condition and he hadn't been cared for at all.  I took him on  a home visit just to see how he did.   I didn't expect him to be adopted.  
But, he rolled over for a tummy rub and that was it!     Look at him now.   His skin is great, his hair has grown in and he has the best family!   Beth and David love him so much.    
I think he loves them, too!    Look at that smile.   :-)


  1. So happy for Wylie and I do think Linda there is a little papillon in there!
    That boy is super cute!

  2. Wyle looks like an extremely happy boy - I'm so glad he got adopted to a loving family. Thank you for helping him :-)
