Monday, September 16, 2013


 Pekes and Pugs are cousins-- curly tails, flat faces, similar size.  
 There is a shelter near me that we work with.  We've taken Pekes out of there-- but they asked if there was anyway we could help these two bonded Pugs.    Well, we're Peke rescue, so we could only help if I found a Pug rescue.    So, we set to work looking for one!    I had to help.
 These two are Rocky and Queenie, very sweet Pugs.  Their owner turned them in to the shelter.  
 We had a friend who said she would pay for any expense we incurred for these two, so we did take them to the vet because I was sure they had bladder infections.    We had tests done, and sure enough, they both had one.   This is probably why they were turned in to the shelter.  
Aren't they sweet, kissing each other!   They are already feeling better, have been transported to Pug rescue and are probably charming their foster parents.  
They charmed me for sure!      (Thank you Susan for your covering their expenses!)


  1. You got to love a pug!

    I do hope they both find a home together that is full of care and love!

  2. Bless you for helping these two precious Pugs and getting them to a Pug rescue! Love the photo of them kissing each other...Kissing cousins? (And I thank you also Susan for covering their expenses!)
