Saturday, September 7, 2013


 I see you Cranberry!     Don't try to hide from me-- I know it's your birthday this month!
 Cranberry is turning twelve!     She has met many of the fosters who have passed through here-- this is Anna.    
 Cranberry has shared her pink beds with many.  In fact, most of the pink beds are now gone.  They've been "used out."
 Cranberry and Maggie-- Maggie came in with Max and now lives in Maryland.   Max lives with us.  (Max is known to tease Cranberry with a toy-- she's not amused! haha)
 Cranberry is getting older-- not because of years, but because of her health.   She has degenerative disc disease, but she still loves to be held.    Here we are in the hammock together.
 She loves to wander in the yard-- she's pretty wobbly and falls down a lot, but still can get from one side of the yard  to the other.
 She supervised the porch construction.  
 Here she was about 2 years ago.
 And last winter...
 Her eyes are more droopy now, but we don't think she's in pain.    She is just "older."   She wears a diaper most of the time because she has no control anymore, but she hears and sees just fine.
Happy Birthday, Cranberry!   We love you!


  1. Happy Birthday Cranberry from your girlfriends in Australia ---- Moi Mio and Coco ----- maybe you will get a PINK bed for a Birthday present!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday, Cranberry. YOu are such a sweet and precious Peke. May the years be good to you and you enjoy a long healhty life with your loving family. Love and kisses from me, Weezie and Mr. Ted E. Barker (((hugs)))

  3. Happy Birthday, Cranberry! Glad you get to be the greeter to new fosters. That's not nice of Max to tease you with a toy. Getting older because of DDD? (Oh Linda saying I am also "older" since I too have DDD?) Cranberry, you did a great job supervising the porch construction! Queen Cranberry, do you need a new pink bed for your birthday? Hugs and kisses!

  4. Cranberry we know your mommy loves you VERY much! You are a very beautiful girl. We liked your supervising. We are sure you were the best supervisor they ever had!! You are a precious girl and we hope you have many more years ahead of you. Love your peke friends, Nicky, Wyatt and GeeGee.
