Friday, September 6, 2013


 Sometimes, I just have to do a "before and after" blog.   Lacy Bean, above, shortly after I got her from the shelter-- and she was a sick girl.
 She came from a Maryland shelter and was missing hair, was thin and sick.      She had no chance of being adopted there.
 So, we got her and I put a sweater on her to keep her warm.     She was so small. And look at her tail-- so sad.
 She was just pathetic looking-- her skin was so bad.   And look at her lack of joy and security.    Things were changing though!
 She was adopted after she became healthy and went to a very loving family.   She is here with Lafite, her big brother Peke who passed away last year.     She has Mr. Winks and they are great friends.
 Lacy is so loved now, and healthy, her hair is full and she loves her toys.
 She visited my home and was so cute-- but she missed her mom and dad.   There is nothing like home.
Is that toy a good pillow?
I'm so glad we could get you and save you and find you a loving home-- it's what we do.    I can hardly believe the "before and after" difference!    We love you, Lacy!

1 comment:

  1. Now that is SOME "BEFORE AND AFTER " Linda!!! Bravo to you all in rescue!!!!
