Wednesday, September 11, 2013


 Lily Kay, that sweet rescue who was saved after being a breeder dog.    Without Lucinda's help (Dr. Hodges), she wouldn't have made it.  Her jaw was broken from infection (see xrays below) and her teeth were only held in by the extreme tartar.    Disgusting!
 Lucinda did such extensive surgery (wires and cast) on her jaw.    It was just incredible.
 After months of healing, her cast is off her jaw.    She was even able to eat soft food on her own with the cast on.     These dogs amaze me.
 You can see her jaw was only held together by tooth roots.    But, now it has healed some.   WOW.
 The wires that were put in held it together in order to be able to heal.     All but 6 of her original 42 teeth remain.    Being in a puppy mill, she had received NO care before.    PVPC sure made up for it!
 Now Lily Kay has her own home!    Her new mom also saved (along with her sister) a very sick Peke at a shelter near her.   She was a miracle-- just like Lily Kay.   Her name is Sophie.
 She was so lethargic, but tested positive for Addison's and now she is on meds-- and playing!
 She and Lily Kay love to run around together and are great friends.     Sophie is her mom's sister's dog, but I think she'll be with Lily Kay a lot!    What do you think?
Lily Kay-- you are just amazing.   You came so far, and received so much love with Roger and Lucinda.   I know they miss you-- but now they have room to help another.     I'm SO Glad PVPC saved you!

1 comment:

  1. This is just wonderful - fantastic care and kindness and lets not forget that Lily Kay was very brave to go through all this too.

    *There is a special place in Heaven for you all who helped this little Peke !
