Friday, September 20, 2013


I am doing something I don't usually do-- I am reposting a blog, so you can see the rest of the story.      I'll tell it at the end.    
 A Maryland shelter had this Peke and said she was 6 years old, unspayed and very sweet.  
 She had one eye, but that doesn't bother us a bit.    We took her into rescue last week.  
 One thing the shelter said was true-- she is super sweet, loves to be held, give kisses....  She is only 11 pounds, and probably 7-8 years old.  Not old for a Peke.
 However, we had her vetted and the poor girl can't see.  She also doesn't have much hearing.   I know shelters can be busy places, but we would have liked to know all this before we got her.     She was also spayed, so we didn't have to do that (vet found a spay scar, so we assume she is).     Since she is missing an eye, she could have had a head trauma that caused the loss of sight and hearing (and one of her eyes).    The vet can see not reason for her eye and ears not to be working.
She's ours now and her foster mom said she hasn't had one this sweet for a  very long time.    Paula is just fine there and we'll do all we can to keep her comfortable.     She really doesn't need much, food and love.   She loves her foster mom and it's a lot better than being in a shelter, that's for sure!      Welcome, little Paula!

THE REST OF THE STORY:    I received an email from the shelter that Paula came from-- someone had come forward claiming that she knew this dog and it had been hers.    She had this little female from puppyhood to when she was six, and because of fights between two of her Pekes, she had given this dog to a family member.     She thought the dog was being cared for and occasionally visited her.    The family member ended up getting larger dogs and Paula was not the center of their attention anymore.   In fact, she could be found hiding by a chair or in the corner.   (told to us by first owner)  When Paula came into rescue, she also walked in circles a lot, which made us wonder if she was kept in a small space or crate extensively.  She is not doing this anymore!  We don't know if the larger dogs (4 of them) hurt Paula's eye, but when she arrived at the shelter, her eye had been removed and the stitches were still there-- long overdue for being removed.    It turns out that Paula is not the 6-8 that we thought-- but she will be 15 in November!     She was very thin when we got her, but she is eating well, gaining weight, and can find her foster mom easily.     She doesn't see or hear, but she can smell and is doing so well.     In fact, she even got a little frisky and barked!!  Her first bark!     Later on, Paula decided she wanted to play-- you know the pose.   Front paws out in front, head down, butt up!   Her foster mom just laughed out loud with joy.    Her tail is up, not down between her legs anymore.   Her foster mom let her first owner come see her, and she was so glad she was cared for and loved.   We don't usually do this, but the first owner was so devastated by what had happened, that we let her see how well Paula was doing.    Here's Paula snoring:   Click here: ? paulasnoring - YouTube    Paula is at the end season of her life, at almost 15, but it will be a joyful and loving season for her.   We are so glad!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda - what a wonderful little lady she would make for a person who is old themselves and does not want a companion that is strong and boisterous . Paula would make a wonderful pet for she deserves a better life ,the darlin!

    *Does she have a passport and a airline ticket to Oz I wonder??? My girls would love her too!
