Friday, October 18, 2013


 Cranberry is my 12 year old Peke.    She is also known as Crannyberry, Crankyberry, and Crankenberry because she can be so testy with other dogs.     She would be great as an only dog-- but she's not, so we make it work.    Sometimes, we just let her be in her own space/room and she is happy as a clam.  
 Click here: Degenerative Disk Disease, Canine    Cranberry has degenerative disc disease, so her mobility is affected.   She also has to wear a diaper all the time in the house since she has no control.    She doesn't mind the diaper at all.    Linda G. makes great sanitary products for dogs without control-- see Doggie Essentials on facebook.  
 She loves to take her solitary strolls with me in the front yard.    She even "runs" occasionally, which is a bit wobbly, but she just keeps on going.  
She actually seems to have improved lately-- I know it may be my imagination, but I think she's doing well.    You go girl!!


  1. Oh, little Crankenberry, you are so cute! <3!

  2. We agree --- You Go Cranberry!!!
    Drive Linda Nuts! LOL
    Kisses from your girlfriends Moi Moi (who is very Cranberry like herself ) and Coco , who cannot understand why Moi is not a cuddly girl ! LOL

  3. Cranberry you are a beautiful girl and I know your mommy loves you very much. I love hearing all about you. :)

  4. Be yourself little one, you are a lion-dog afterall. Be proud at your own pace.
