Monday, October 14, 2013


 We had the PVPC October meeting in N.Va. yesterday-- we were at Robin's house.   I love Robin's house-- she makes us all feel so welcome!
 This is her Corkey-- he is wearing an e-collar because he had an eye graft (just like Murray).  
 Robin's Brewster wondered if someone would drop a morsel on the ground!   He sure hoped so!
 Dian (our treasurer) brought her 4 month old Kermit.   He is adorable!
 "Why are you taking my picture?"
 Robin's Yoshi is so tiny and has had a lot of health issues as long as she's had him.    He came into rescue years ago, but she has kept him as healthy as she could all these years-- he is the sweetest little thing!
 Pumpkin came, too-- she was going to her new foster home with Kay and Claretta.
 Fletch also came-- he's the little skinny one we got out of the shelter a week ago.   He is doing better already.
Sarah is going to love him!!    The new board and officers were presented at the meeting and they will take over the club beginning at the November meeting.    We'll be letting you know more about that soon.

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