Tuesday, November 12, 2013


 Norton came to us from a shelter in Maryland with a broken leg/paw.    He is doing so well and he wanted you to know what his day is like!     At 6:00 am, it's up and on his way with his foster brother and sisters.
At 6:30, he goes on a walk.   He tries his best to keep up with Bessie and Felix-- even though his vision in limited, and he has a cast on his front paw, he loves every minute of it!    It is very important for him to mark every spot so Whittingham Circle (where he lives as a foster) will know that "NORTON WAS HERE!"
 At 7:00,  BREAKFAST!!   It's his favorite time of the day!    He likes to sit on his back legs and wait for his bowl of yummy food.    He thinks it takes his foster mom, Sharon, SOOOO long to get everyone's bowls ready and sometimes he will cry a little.     (I can relate to this, my Peke meal time can get a little noisy!)
8:00-- Every day is different but he is always happy to do whatever his foster mom is doing and offer whatever support he can.   He just likes to be with the other dogs and his foster mom.    On Tuesday, he and his foster mom to to the vet to get his cast changed.   Each week he gets a different color!    Right now it's red, but today, he will  get a new one.   Everyone at the vet's office loves him and comments  on what a nice boy he is.
 2:00 is the time to prepare for piano lessons.    After a short visit outside, everyone takes their places behind the gate in the dining room to wait for all the children to come for piano lessons.   Sometimes, if he looks especially cute, a student will come over to see him and give him a pat on the head.  
4:30-- Foster daddy comes home!    All of the dogs greet him enthusiastically and he takes them outside to play and then they settle in the basement with him.
 6:00 is dinner time-- just look at my breakfast comments and you'll know what dinner is like!
At 9:00 my foster mom finishes teaching and all the dogs race upstairs to see her.  
10:00 is their last trip outside and then they head upstairs and settle in for the night.   Norton  likes to get a tummy rub before falling asleep.   Oh, his  life is so wonderful and full of love.   Pretty soon, he'll  be ready for adoption-- maybe you're the one!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My !!!!!

    Linda - does that boy have a passport!!!! Love him!!!
