Thursday, November 28, 2013


 Desi sent me an email-- her family is sad after losing four of their pets in the past two weeks.   Her mom and dad work with our group (they are our Roanoke vet) and they have cared for many who were in hospice care.    Desi wrote me this:
 It's me, Desi.   It has been a very sad day here and Mom said I did not have to do a photo shoot if I did not feel like it.
 However, I am a professional and I did not want to let my fans down.  Besides, I have a lot to be thankful for.    Here is Alastor.   He is one of the older Pekes in our house.    He has a big heart murmur, but he is doing well because of all the care my mom gives him.  
 My mom said some dogs don't even have one dress, so I'm thankful for all the dresses I have.   Bear, above, doesn't need a dress.   My dad loves him.   He has an attitude, but most of the time he is okay.  
 I am thankful for the many brothers and sisters I have to play with-- even though I don't always want to share.    This is Cassidy.    Isn't he handsome?
 I am thankful I have a mom and dad who loved me so much.    They love Dawson, above, too.   He is a foster Peke with us.   He is heartworm positive, and such a happy boy.    Once he finishes his treatment, he will be ready for adoption!  
 Here I am again-- I am so thankful that my mom and dad saved me when they adopted me from PVPC.    I have a lot of health problems in my brain, but my mom gives me the BEST care.    She's a vet, so she is right on top of all my medical issues.   You'd never know it if you saw me-- I look just perfect.    (Well, maybe I'm not perfect in this picture.   Mom took me outside in the rain!  Without my rain jacket!  Can you imagine?    I guess she just forgot.)    
 I'm thankful that my mom let me become the Diva I was meant to be.   I don't think anyone has as many dresses as I do.   This is my friend, Dollar, and he only gets to wear ties.  
 I'm thankful that I get to go to work and on vacation with my mom and dad so that everyone can adore me!     This is Kipper above-- he's been part of our family for awhile.    Isn't he cute!
 I love paper-- mom will crunch it up into a ball and I get to tear it up!  It's so much fun!!    I showed the new PVPC board members how much fun this is-- they were having a meeting with my mom and dad and so I was being extra cute.     This is Madge above-- she is in hospice care with my mom and dad.   She has a really bad  heart, but my mom takes such good care of her, that she is still with us.    
This is my friend, Wanda.    She came to us as a foster, but my dad fell in love with her.   She only has one eye because my mom found that she had a malignant tumor in the other eye, so it had to be removed.  She is doing great though.    I let her share my dresses-- after all, I can't wear them all at once.      I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.   Even though it's been a rough month in our family, having to say good-bye to so many, we are thankful for all those who are here.    I hope you have much to be thankful for also.   HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!


  1. We wish you all in the USA a very Happy Thanksgiving Day!! Especially Desi and her family - very hard time they have had!

    from the girls is Australia!

    * I heard on the Radio that your President "saved" the Turkey called Popcorn!! I bet he "Popped"when he heard he will be spared! LOL

  2. That is very funny Lady Jicky:) Happy Thanksgiving to all and remember to say thanks for all your blessings!
