Sunday, November 10, 2013


 Piper was my foster dog-- oh, did I adore him!  But, the goal is to not keep them.   I  keep saying that.   I have my limit on dogs here and just can't keep anymore, but otherwise, I would have been tempted to keep him.    He posed for Halloween and his new family sent me pictures.
 I am not sure what he thinks about those pumpkins!    You look like you are sneaking by!
 His dad was packing for a trip and Piper wanted to go.    I think they would see you in the airport scanner.
 And if you went, your best friend, Abbi, would miss you!
Abbi is 6 months old now, and looks big, but she's all fluff.    She and Piper run, play, jump, and have so much fun.  Sammy, their older brother Peke is a grump so he just watches the shananigans that Piper and Abbi get into.      It's probably safe to just stay out of their way!  
 Piper just got his Christmas stocking!    "What is this?   You mean you're going to fill it with toys and goodies?   I can't wait!!"    
"How long is it until Christmas?"  
" This is going to be hard to wait!   I guess I'll just curl up with Sammy and take a rest."  
Piper has the best home!!   I love that!

1 comment:

  1. Oh he does have the best home Linda!!!

    They are alraed thinking of Chinstmas!!!
