Tuesday, December 24, 2013


 My name is Alastor and I live with Desi.   I know she's famous because she gets posted on all the special holidays.
 I came to this family as a foster dog, but I have a very bad heart, so they decided to keep me.   Boy, did I luck out!   My mom is Dr. Hodges and she knows just what I need every moment.
 I met Linda (who does this blog) several times, and saw her again before Thanksgiving  in Williamsburg.  My mom and dad go there every year before the holidays and I get to go, too.
 My mom told me I was in the PVPC calendar this year!   Now Desi is not the only famous Pekingese model in our family.
 I think I could become the next superstar male model!
 Just look at my long flowering hair!
 I got my Christmas present early-- it's my very own doggie stroller!   Now I can ride in style to my photo shoots.   I sometimes share my stroller with my buddy, Madge.   She has a heart problem, too.    I'm sure glad my mom is a vet!
 Desi, Wanda, and I had fun at the veterinary conference in Williamsburg.   We were the best dressed dogs there-- probably anywhere!
I hope you have a very merry Christmas!   I know I will have a great day with my doggie family and my mom and dad!    Love, Alastor/Al

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you all from Australia!

    Moi Moi and Coco XXX
