Saturday, December 21, 2013


 Meet Clark Kent-- he was rescued from a shelter after his owner turned him in because he had trouble with bowel control.
 Without any vet information, it could be anything, from bad diet to a serious problem.
Martha with her sister Eve, drove this little Peke to his foster home in Maryland from our vet in Roanoke, Harris Animal Hospital (Dr. Lucinda Hodges and Roger Hodges).   Roger said," They are our "Super Hero Transporters" and I am pretty sure they have their very own "S" emblazed shirts and capes. They have delivered some Christmas cheer for Clark and to his new foster parents."   His foster dad said, "Martha and Eve are incredibly generous to come all the way from the South Pole :) to slide Clark down our chimney. He's worn out from all of his adventures lately and is passed out on the floor, a squeaky toy under his chin."
 Clark was born without a tail-- and Dr. Hodges found that he is missing a vertebrae that affects his bowel control.    He seems to be "regular" and if kept on a schedule, he should do just fine.  
 He is 12 pounds, about a year old and super sweet.
 He loves to run and play with other dogs.   Look at him go!
 He may have some disability, but oh, what a wonderful dog he is.    He deserved to be saved.
 He is going to bring so much joy to a special family.     He loves everyone.
If you would be interested in adopting this sweet one, just let us know.  Thank you, Martha and Eve!


  1. Martha and Eva are Christmas Angels!!!

    Mr Kent is super sweet and I hope he has a wonderful Christmas and finds a loving home!!!

    That is our Christmas wish!

  2. Disability? Seems like he wants to run and jump just fine. He will make a great companion for someone.
