Monday, December 23, 2013


 Cranberry came to us before Christmas 12 years ago.    We had just lost a Peke, little Sweetpea, and Scooterbug was devastated-- so were we.    Cranberry was a puppy and my daughter got her for me in Kentucky.   I wasn't part of rescue then-- didn't even know about rescue.  
 Cranberry liked to help me-- she was reading for me one day.
 She could be bored with all the activity here and all the extra dogs, but for the most part, she did well.
 She liked to help when I had painting projects in the kitchen.
 And she thought she should have a seat at holiday  meals.
 Cranberry loved the snow!    She would wander out in it for along time-- I had to make her come in.
 She would veg on the ottoman in front of the window.   That's when she could still jump up on it.
 She had the biggest brown eyes.  
 She loves to pull toilet paper or paper towels-- I would find the rolls down the hallway or into the family room.
 When Beach Bit began to come every day, she was very good with him.  
 Her hair was so thick and one time I had it trimmed down-- she just didn't look the same, so we let it grow out.
 She liked her beds and she would have loved being the only dog here, but it wasn't to be.    She was okay with the rest, but sometimes they just annoyed her-- that's how she got the nicknames of Crankyberry and Crankenberry-- and she was also known as Princess Whiney Butt.
 She allowed me to pose her for fall a few years ago.   She was definitely putting up with me-- it was so beneath her!
 Last January, we had snow, and I put her coat on.   Her degenerative disc disease had already begun to take a toll on her back, but she managed to get around  in the snow with her pink plaid jacket.
   She just loved to sniff and roam in the snow.
 The last year, Cranberry lost control of her bowels and bladder, so she wore a diaper.
 She was a good sport about it, but she liked it when she didn't have one on.   She has to wobble to walk and sometimes, she had to drag her back end around.  In the last few days, she lost the ability to get her back end up at all and began to whine at me.  
 Last month, she found a place on the porch in the sunshine.
 She posed for a  Christmas picture this month-- I didn't know the end was so near.
 I love this picture of her-- her beautiful white coat against the red blanket was so pretty.
I loved my girl-- and she loved me.
Her brother, Scooter and the rest of the Pekes will miss her, but not as much as I will.   When we got her, it was right before Christmas, twelve years ago.    We couldn't decide what to name her, but I decided on "Cranberry Muffin, the Christmas Puppy."     She came before Christmas and this year, she left us before Christmas.   She is now with my mom, probably mooching carrots off her, and running free now.   We love you, sweet girl.   Farewell until we see you again.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to such a beautiful and most loved lady:) We will all miss her updates!

  2. Oh Linda .... I wish I could just hug you!

    Ms Cranberry was one fine lady and I know you will miss her alot .

    I send my love to you all and so does Moi Moi and Coco !

  3. Beautiful memories of a very special friend! RIP Miss Cranberry!

  4. Linda, I am so sorry for your loss of beautiful Cranberry. Sounds like she was quite the special little girl. My heart and prayers are with you.

    Anna Sichley-McClung

  5. Linda, so sorry for your loss of beautiful Cranberry. My heart and prayers are with you.

    Anna Sichley-McClung

  6. Linda I just read your post on Cranny, now I am in tears. But then again when it comes to dogs, it doesn't take much to make me cry. :(
