Monday, December 16, 2013


Does your Peke have tears?  

Dog Tears – Is your Pekingese Crying?
Dog Tears – Is your Pekingese Crying?
Dog tears are common among small dog breeds and tear stains are unsightly. There are various and not to mention loads of commercial products available in the market today but they are so expensive and it is such a gamble on which one is really effective.
If you see your white dog with brown or red marks around or under his eyes, then he has tear staining issues. The tear stain can actually matter around his eye and leave a slimy, thick mark that is so hard to clean. Most owners think that the staining is caused by his dog’s excessive eye moisture and that it is part of him alrady. In reality, that assumption is wrong. Dog tears are actually caused by several things and you must find out what it is to help your dog out.
Allergies. Just like humans, dogs are also allergic to certain things and tear staining is often a reaction towards allergens. Some dogs are allergic to their food thus changing his pH level which causes the tearing.
Ear infection. Tear staining can be associated with ear infections, so you better keep his ears dry and clean at all times.
Blocked Tear Ducts. There are dogs that are born with blocked tear ducts which needs a surgical intervention by the vet.
Water. There are waters that contains high mineral which can cause the staining of your dog’s entire face and beard. A lot of water can be trapped on his facial hair after drinking
Red Yeast. This is probably the leading cause of tear staining in dogs. The moisture that is left on his face becomes a breeding fround for bacteria. And one of the most common form of bacteria is Red Yeast.

Dog Tears

In a normal dog eye, there are small holes that drain tears away from the eye and down the throat. A variety of dog eye problems can affect this drainage, causing excessively watery eyes. These conditions include:
  • Shallow eye sockets. If the eye sockets aren’t big or deep enough, tears can spill out onto the fur around the eyes.
  • Eyelids that are turned inward. If the eyelids roll in toward the eyeball, the drainage holes for tears (called puncta) may become blocked.
  • Hair growth around the eye. If hair grows too close to the eye, it can wick tears away from the eye and onto the face.
  • Blocked tear drainage holes (puncta). Previous dog eye infections or eye damage can cause scar tissue to form that blocks some of the drainage passages for tears.
Source: Web MD, by Elizabeth A. Martinez

Removing Tear Stains Naturally

  • Mix equal parts of talcum powder, milk of magnesia and boric powder. Mix well.
  • Add a few drops of peroxide to the solution that you created and mix well again.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area, a toothbrush comes in handy for this task. Work slowly and gently to avoid any of the mixture getting into his eyes.
  • Allow the paste to dry, that would be around 10 minutes or so.
  • Using a clean toothbrush, brush off the paste substance from his face. Then shampoo your dog once you are done with cleaning his face thoroughly.

Other Instructions:

  • Give your dog 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar daily to prevent any future tear staining.
  • Rub a bit of Vaseline to the affected areas as this will let you to wipe off the spot easily before it can do more staining.
  • In any way, do not allow the solution get into your dog’s eyes.
There are plenty of various things that can cause dog tears like: diet, genetics, lifestyle, allergy, illness, etc… It is wider for you to bring your pet to your nearest vet once he shows excessive tear staining. Regardless of what the cause is, you can always have the option of removing them the natural way.
I hope the tips would be able to help you with dealing with your tear staining issues, if any. Otherwise, this could be a future reference for you and your friends when in case your dogs would have this issue later on. Never hesitate to leave your suggestions behind or if you have any question about your dog, feel free to ask.
Linda Maxwell
Click here: Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - Home
Click here: Must Love Pekes



  1. Thanks for the info., Linda! But it doesn't say how to get your Peke to cooperate! :)
