Sunday, December 29, 2013


 Pookie was adopted in  August and just had his first Christmas in his new home.  He sent me an email!   (You know how much I love Peke emails.)   Here's what he said.
 Merry Christmas from Pookie and his best bud in the world, Buster! They continue to play, eat, love and sleep together. Pookie continues to sleep in his crate at night with Buster on a dog bed right beside his crate. They make sure to touch each other when they sleep too. It is quite adorable and touching.   Buster and Pookie had a great time opening up their gifts as well as trying to open everyone else's too!

The two of them love to go on walks together and chase squirrels and bunnies when they come near the yard. Pookie has learned to beg, sit and lay down as his "tricks." He learned these quickly and he and Buster "compete" to see who can do them quicker and cuter ! :)  Here he is with his mom's daddy.
Please pass on to the rest of our "friends" at Potomac that we feel incredibly blessed to have adopted such a fine dog into our household. He has truly been a joy and we love him (and spoil him) as if he has always been with us! Have a very Merry Christmas and again thanks for all y'all do for those wonderful dogs!   I'm so glad he was adopted to this family.    Happy New Year Pookie and Buster!

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is so lovely to read Linda!!!

    Hi to Pookie and Buster from the Pekey girls in Australia - Mio Moi and Coco, Woof !
