Thursday, January 2, 2014


 Christmas at Camp Runamuck was in full swing.    Kai Kai and Max could see it coming.
 "What do you mean, we're going to have a week of chaos?"
 Beach Bit was ready!
 Cowboy Bit (our newest bit) was ready!
 Furniture gets moved all over to accommodate the Bits-- a Christmas show was on TV.
 Beesey Bit was all smiles!
 So was Drill Bit!
 Lottie, my granddog, is almost 14--but she watched the chaos until it was time for a nap.
 Starlight tried to stay out of the way-- hiding under the kitchen table became a safety zone.
 Sweetie Pi claimed the big dog bed.  Unless Lottie was in it.
 Kai Kai was in shell shock from the noise that little boy Bits can make!
 Bitty Bit had a serious moment-- but not for long!
 Lil Bit was enjoying the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
 Coyboy Bit was discovering all the push toys here.
 You are cute!  (He is my niece's son.)
 "Can I look over your head?"
 Bitty Bit on the scooter was too funny.
 Kai Kai kept looking for places the Bits couldn't get to him.
 But, they were interested in the shows.
 Max and Kai Kai were happy on the couch-- the Bits didn't want it.
 Little trays were good for playing-- this one lasted about 5 hours before someone sat on it-- gone!
 Bitty Bit and ....
 Lil Bit were doing math books-- they loved it!  
 Starlight sought refuge from my son in law-- it only took her six years to decide he was okay and now she loves him!
 Lil Bit and Poppy were hamming it up.
 The Bit boys had new airplanes-- but the toys that made noise were a bigger hit!
 Here's one of my presents-- so true!  With multiple dogs, why can't they all go out at once??
 Are you tired Kai Kai?
 Oh, no, Sweetie Pi got the small bed this time......
 and Lottie claimed the big one.
 Kai Kai hid out in the playroom (which used to be my formal living room).    The Bits found him there.
 Cowboy Bit found the Thomas the Train tent-- fun!
 Toys were all over the house.
 Some became trumpets (not their original use!).
 They became elephants.
And then Christmas was over-- but so much fun!   I did put a Pekingese in the manger scene.  No one noticed except for Beach Bit who promptly told me to move it!   So, of course, I did. :-)   I hope the holidays were wonderful for all of you!    It was magical here.


  1. Love seeing the holiday version of Camp Runamuck!! Ted would have loved to have been in the middle of it all, but Grace would have gone into hiding until they all left! LOL
