Monday, January 27, 2014


 Hey everybody!! I'm Fletch, or Fletcher, or Mr. Mushy-face as my foster momma sometimes calls me!
 The vet thinks I'm about 3 years old... but who counts? Last visit to the vet, I was told I was a very healthy boy! This is very good news considering how skinny I was when I came to live with my foster momma! I had to be fed 4-5 times a day (which I kinda miss, because I LOVE food) !!! Now I eat on schedule with the other pekes here. I've put on 4 pounds so far, which is quite a lot for a little guy like me! I need to put another pound or so on before I can get "fixed" whatever that means. My momma says I have to get this so I can go to my forever home, so I'm ok with it!
 I currently live with three other pekes! We all get along really well. I like to play with the two who aren't cranky. We run around and wrestle and make a whole bunch of racket on the hardwood floors. I also really like to play by myself as well. I have tons of toys I play with because the other dogs don't seem to like them. My favorite thing to do is play with tennis balls! I toss them around the house and chase after them till I wear myself out! I think I'd be fine in a house with other doggies, or by myself, because I can make my own fun!!!
I'm housebroken and can hold it the entire time momma is at work! I love going out for walks with my peke-friends! I'm also a very quiet peke. The only time I use my "outdoor" voice is when someone rings the doorbell and the other pekes here start racing to the door. I love to cuddle with my human and I LOVEEEE doggie beds. Seriously, there are so many here... and I've napped in them all! 

I'm hoping to find my forever home here soon! Not that I don't LOVE it here, I just know that my momma likes to help other pekes in need. Now that I'm not so skinny, she says I can go to a wonderful home! She says I deserve the VERY VERY best. 
Just fill out an application if you are interested in me at    Or email    

1 comment:

  1. Oh he is so great! I think Fletch will find a home real soon Linda!
