Tuesday, January 14, 2014


 Pikachu came to us from a Maryland shelter.    He was scared there and they asked for our help.
 Just look at that face.
 He went on a visit with me to meet some new people--
 He smiled very big!    Oh, he is so beautiful!
 He was on the same home visit with Roxie-- but Pikachu is more shy and it was a new place.    He wasn't as brave or outgoing as Roxie was.    Most Pekes are like that.  
 He looked around.
 And he was fine as long as his foster mom was there.
 Pikachu is a very loyal dog-- he will really bond with his new owner, but it take a few days.
 He was a bit nervous.
When he is adopted, he'll be just fine though.    He is going to do great-- but his owner will just need to let him settle in and get used to them.    He is only 1 1/2 years old, and  loves to be held and cared for.   He may just be the dog for you!  

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