Wednesday, January 29, 2014


 I looked out and saw SNOW!
 The dogs ran out-- oh no!
 Stay together to hold in the warmth.
 Hey, where did you go, guy!?
 Max is sitting like a chipmunk.   Is there snow everywhere?
 I'm stuck!  Help the girl!
 Kai Kai is not thrilled-- the next time, they'll have jackets on.   See tomorrow's blog!
 Can I go inside?
 I'm still stuck.
 The small creek was still running, but everything around it was frozen.
 I love how pretty it all is.
 Especially before the dogs run all over it and destroy the smooth texture of the snow. :-)
 Like here...
 Our house was comfy and warm-- gas heat is the BEST!
 I just kept taking pictures...
 No one was using the swingset today.
 Or walking down the steps to the lower yard.
It will be gone in a few days, so I'm enjoying it.  I hope you are!

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