Thursday, February 27, 2014


 Desi's mom sent me snow pictures-- they received 22 inches of snow!    Alastor here has his sweater on and is ready to brave the cold!
 Cassidy has a coat on to stay warm.   I love the doggy bones!
 Dawson is full of himself!
 He is jumping and leaping and all snuggly in his green plaid jacket.
 Oh, my goodness, you are just full of joy!   Dawson is available for adoption.  He loves other dogs and is such a sweet boy.
 Desi, of course, has a vast selection of outfits to wear.  
 She looks very stunning in her pink leopard print.   She wants you to know that no pink leopards were hurt in the making of her coat-- it's faux!
 I knew she had more than one-- here's another!   I'm sure she shares her outfits with others.
 Piglet posed with her-- he was in yesterday's blog.
 What are you looking for?  Spring?   I think it's coming soon-- I know a lot of people HOPE it is coming soon!
 Dollar, I love your purple and red jacket.    I bet you are easy to spot on the snow!
 Sweet Fiona has gone over the Rainbow Bridge, but her mom wanted to include her picture, too.   She was such a cherished member of the family.
 Dawson and Dollar are having a blast!  Oh my, they are enjoying every bit of this snow and staying warm by running, too.
 Madge is one of their seniors-- she has heart problems, but it doesn't stop her from getting dressed up to go outside with the rest of them.
 Is this how you really feel about the cold and snow?
 I think you want to go inside.
 Oh, you have more than one coat, too!    Did Desi loan you some?
 Onslow is stunning in his black and white jacket-- he has fully recovered from his back surgery and is doing so well!
Go find the rest of the gang-- I know you want to run with them!    I hope the snow melts soon for you.  I'm sure you prefer the grass.

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