Thursday, February 6, 2014


 Festus is a happy go lucky Peke.   He is SO cute with his ears always looking like he is excited.    He is playful and Pikachu (the foster dog there) likes to play and run with Festus.   When it snowed, Festus checked it out, realized it was warmer inside and said, "I'm going in now!"
 See the ears!   He is adorable!     Festus' mom, Sherry, said he has had a few "spells" and of course, he went to the vet.  The vet thinks he may have hypoglycemia, so Sherry is feeding him extra before bedtime to keep his levels more stable.   We hope this works.    Everything else about him is perfect!  
I did some research myself and put the link here.    Knowing more about our dogs and their conditions can help us to be better owners for them.   Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian.  Click here: Low Blood Sugar in Dogs | petMD
Pikachu loved the snow!  He was out barking and playing and running.   I guess he thought he had a new playground!    His foster mom said he is a wonderful source of entertainment!  He follows her everywhere, and is usually beside her on the couch.  
His "sister" Bubbles, did not like the snow at all!    It stressed her out-- she is blind and she could smell her way around as well.     She was sure glad when it all melted!  
Pikachu doesn't understand what the fuss is about-- snow is just snow.   He loves winter, but he loves summer, spring and fall, too.    Pikachu is available for adoption!   He is a young male, and gets along great with other dogs.   Let us know if you are interested.

1 comment:

  1. They are all so adorable and .... we would like that snow Linda!

    Our heatwave is coming back again - high 100F - yuk.
