Tuesday, March 11, 2014


 I mentioned on facebook that I wouldn't have a computer for three days.     Kai was distraught.   Why wouldn't I have a computer?
 Max figured out that mom was leaving town!  Oh, no!
 Starlight just hid on in the coffeetable.    She loves the "hidey hole" under the top.  
 Well, I did leave town.   And I went to Mississippi, where my mom was raised.   All of my mother's generation is now gone, but some of the cousins decided we should get together-- so we did!     I saw cousins I haven't seen in a VERY long time!
 One thing I wanted to do was see my grandmother's marker-- and I did.   But, while roaming the cemetery, I found this.   Someone had his dog buried with him.   How precious.    There is something healing and therapeutic about a cemetery.    They allow us to slow down, remember the past, be thankful for our blessings.    And I was able to do all of those.
 The cousins all sat around, shared photos, names, memories.    We came from Vermont, Florida, Virginia, Texas and Mississippi.  
 One male cousin showed up, too.   It was so much fun!
 We shared great times and caught up.   We are planning another reunion for next year!
 Kai Kai just waited for me to come home.   I arrived home after midnight on Sunday
 night and was greeted by all the dogs!   A happy home coming!!     
I loved the reunion, but it's always nice to come home.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had such a great time! Reunions are always great and seem to give us reflection time:)
