Sunday, March 23, 2014


 One of the great things about rescue is that you meet incredible people who have huge hearts and want to help.   One of those people is Nicole.   She has a rescue group in South Carolina and she helped when a shelter near me had to seniors (not Pekes) who needed to go into a rescue.   Nicole's group took them and I know she is someone I can call on to help with dogs and  transport.   She sent me pictures of her Pekes.   She has two right now-- along with a Japanese Chin.   Above, Louie, is ready for bed.   (I think this is Louie-- it might be Arnold.)
 This is Henrietta-- she was a senior with a limited time left and Nicole took her in.   Henrietta loved to sit in a pan of water-- a good way to cool down on warm South Carolina days.    She is at the Rainbow Bridge now, but was the love of Nicole's life.
Here is Arnold (or Louie-- ) who she has now.   What a sweet face!    It is wonderful that there are others out there, with rescue groups of their own, and we can all work together to help each other out.    I love rescue!

1 comment:

  1. Its wonderful to read about all the people who open their hearts and homes to rescue!

    *I just love that white peke!!
