Wednesday, March 19, 2014


 Rammi went to a friend's house with us.    We wanted to see how he did.   They adopted a Peke from us.
 Rammi is a pretty young boy, about 1 1/2 years old.     He has been through something though, because he flinches at some things-- like he's been hit.    He has really calmed down with us, and his tail wags a lot.
 Maximus/Max loved Rammi.
 Yes, I see that big smile!   His mom and dad said they hit the jackpot when they adopted him.
 Rammi had fun, but then it was time to come home.    He sat in Beach Bit's car seat.
 He was glad to be back in our yard, checking things out.
He is such a pretty boy and I know with a patient owner, he will be perfect.  
He is definitely more comfortable.   He jumped on the couch with me (a first) and rolled over and fell asleep.   He loves men and adores my husband.    Let me know if you are interested in more information about him.    He's waiting for his forever home.     

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda !
    We are back from New Zealand and my girls were very good with my Mum who baby sat them!

    My Coco was like Rammi , I think she was hit too but .... she is just so happy now and Rammi will be too!
    Lets hope he gets a lovely home!
