Wednesday, April 16, 2014


 Hadley is enjoying his time at Jeanne's.   He'll go to his foster home soon, but for now, he's having a blast!
 Look at his beautiful coloring.   Women would pay a lot to have those "low lights."
 Hadley, did you knock that over?    I don't think so-- you're under 11 pounds right now.   But, you can pretend you did!
 Marshall (before surgery), Gus and Jill were just hanging in the office.
 Lucy, are you trying to get your mom's tea.   That's not for puppies.
 You did get some-- I see you licking your lips!   What flavor was it?
 Hadley is surveying the yard.
 He was staying in the small area first.
 It's guarded by a sign-- I'm scared!   I have that sign, too, and had to get one for Jeanne.  
 You want to go out into the rest of the yard?
 I know Jeanne's garden is beautiful as things begin blooming.    We're going to have a Peke meeting there soon.   I can't wait!
We can stroll on the paths, visit with Pekes and just relax.   I know that's what Hadley is doing right now.

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